Strong Earthquakes August 27-29 show Pre-Seismic Signals
Fuertes Terremotos del 27-29 mostraron señales presísmicas🚦 Pronóstico 30.Ago.2019, 08:18 UTC
Una geometría lunar crítica el 30.Ago podría disparar la actividad sísmica mayor ente el 30 de Ago al 02.Sep, potencial para un M7.
Las señales presísmicas fueron publicadas en Twitter y Facebook.
📌 Alineaciones, SSGI, Perturbación Atmosférica
Many lunar alignments today. Almost guaranteed to cause seismic unrest.— Ditrianum ⚡ (@ditrianum) August 30, 2019
Earth-Moon-Mercury, 2019-08-30, 2:04:10
Earth-Moon-Sun, 2019-08-30, 10:18:53
Earth-Moon-Mars, 2019-08-30, 11:57:11
Earth-Moon-Venus, 2019-08-30, 17:54:25
Moon-Earth-Neptune, 2019-08-31, 3:15:40
Another signal that could be pre-seismic (< 2h), but nothing can be said with any certainty as Earth has been pretty much in a seismic lull since August 4. Be on watch, just in case.— Ditrianum ⚡ (@ditrianum) August 27, 2019
Obvious pre-seismic signal less than three hours before the M 6.6 earthquake at the South Sandwich Islands Region.— Ditrianum ⚡ (@ditrianum) August 28, 2019
Potential pre-seismic signal. Larger seismic activity could occur, possibly within the next three hours. Location unknown. Note that assessment of these signals is still experimental. It may not be accurate.— Ditrianum ⚡ (@ditrianum) August 28, 2019
The pre-seismic signal is becoming more apparent. Looks like it could be a precursor of a mid 6 or larger earthquake. As always, location is unknown, but be on watch, just in case.— Ditrianum ⚡ (@ditrianum) August 29, 2019
The dynamics in Earth's atmosphere changed completely after the M 6.6 earthquake in the South Sandwich Islands Region late on August 27, which was followed by a M 6.0 near Hokkaido, Japan and a M 6.3 offshore Oregon. It shows an obvious relationship between crust and atmosphere.— Ditrianum ⚡ (@ditrianum) August 30, 2019
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